Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I love the fact that my job is taking care of people around the world. When you step into destiny and find that place of absolute contentment you really begin to live life to the fullest. For me, when I am sitting in a small schoolroom that has been converted for the day into a clinic, and I am seeing patients who are so desperate for medical care, I am actually embracing my life. No it is not the traditional path most physicians take; however, it is the one that was chosen for me from the foundation of the world. It is the path that God whispered to my heart at the age of 8 years old. And, it is the path that brings me the most fulfillment in life. So, this Thanksgiving I am thankful that God entrusted me to follow this path of being a doctor to the world.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Run The Race

This past month I have been speaking on Hebrews 12:1. It is about running my race with endurance. I discovered a few interesting things about my race as I prepared this message. Perhaps the most important thing that I was reminded of was this: It is my race alone to run. God has an individual race for me and I cannot compare it with any other person on the face of the earth. It is uniquely designed for my personality, my gifts, and my abilities. What a relief! I can run my race without fear, condemnation, or pressure.