Tuesday, March 8, 2011

He's Never Late

Many of you know that my sister and I just returned from China where she adopted her new daughter, Catherine Renee. I am one very proud auntie and totally in love with this new little being. But it was not easy. This entire process took my sister over 5 years. Five years of waiting and wondering if this will be the year that I get my daughter. I know that over these years we have all waivered a bit in our faith.

On February 5th all those years of waiting came to an end as we boarded the plane in Tampa to head to China. For us it wasn't a moment too soon or too late. As they handed her to my sister for the first time we realized that she was very sick. Underweight, tiny and with pneumonia she was so sick. We sure prayed for her life.

Never late--we prepared for just about every medical condition we could before we left. She had the appropriate antibiotics, breathing treatments, steroids, and lots of loving care. Today Catherine Renee is thriving simply because He is Never Late!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Persistent Prayer

Five years ago, my sister, Tosha, began the journey towards motherhood. The road was filled with pitfalls and disappointments but my sister never gave up because she believed that God wanted her to be a mommie. On December 20th, our family received word that in 8 short weeks we will travel to China to get her daughter, Catherine Renee. This is a testament to persistent prayer. Welcome to our family little peanut.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I love the fact that my job is taking care of people around the world. When you step into destiny and find that place of absolute contentment you really begin to live life to the fullest. For me, when I am sitting in a small schoolroom that has been converted for the day into a clinic, and I am seeing patients who are so desperate for medical care, I am actually embracing my life. No it is not the traditional path most physicians take; however, it is the one that was chosen for me from the foundation of the world. It is the path that God whispered to my heart at the age of 8 years old. And, it is the path that brings me the most fulfillment in life. So, this Thanksgiving I am thankful that God entrusted me to follow this path of being a doctor to the world.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Run The Race

This past month I have been speaking on Hebrews 12:1. It is about running my race with endurance. I discovered a few interesting things about my race as I prepared this message. Perhaps the most important thing that I was reminded of was this: It is my race alone to run. God has an individual race for me and I cannot compare it with any other person on the face of the earth. It is uniquely designed for my personality, my gifts, and my abilities. What a relief! I can run my race without fear, condemnation, or pressure.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The single ant may seem insignificant but when they march together it is impressive. When they work together miles of tunnels are forged--all by this tiny insect. Each one of them doing their part for the common good.

Recently I was in a church service when the pastor, who was introducing me, said, "I am so thankful we are a small part of what Dr. Tonya does." Something just didn't set right inside of me. The word small made me uncomfortable. I stood up to speak and reminded the congregation that there is no such thing as small. It takes everyone doing something to make a difference in the world. Whether it is $5.00 in a offering when you cannot afford it, a phone call to a discouraged friend, offering help to a stranger, a smile when the person in front of you is down right contrary or even determining that this day you will listen to God.

Whenever I am obedient to the Lord and I do my part--there is no SMALL THING.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

No Looking Back

There are those days when I often wonder, "did I really hear that correctly?" I may have made a decision based upon prayer and wise counsel and then chaos erupts. I find myself doubting decisions and all anxious within my heart. My emotions are like a rollercoaster ride in a theme park--hold your breath in while you slowly ascend to the highest point and then scream like a little girl as you plummet towards the ground at breakneck speeds. Keep a strangle-hold on the safety bar as you are jerked around and upside down. Up and down, back and forth. You get the picture.

The other night after a very emotionally challenging day, I came to this conclusion. It was time to get off the rollercoaster ride. I don't have the right to look back when I believe God has given me instructions. I have to remain resolute when I make a decision. Sure, the enemy loves to make me crazy and doubt; however, it is my responsibility to stand firm and promise myself, NO LOOKING BACK.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Your life matters

I recently met a lady who told me this story. She had tears in her eyes as she thanked me for making a difference in her life.

"Dr. Tonya, you don't know me but several years ago I heard you in a church services talk about medical mission work. You were getting ready to take a team somewhere and the church was praying for you. While I listened, God spoke to me very specifically to apply for the Physician Assistant program at the University of Florida. I thought it strange since I never had any inclination to do medicine. I was an art history major, content to raise my four children and attend church. But I could not deny that God had spoken. I did exactly that and now I am a PA using my skills to do medical mission work when I can. I am making a difference."

Oh that we would never grow weary and stop running the race. Tomorrow it may be someone else who is influenced by your life. You matter!