Many of you know that my sister and I just returned from China where she adopted her new daughter, Catherine Renee. I am one very proud auntie and totally in love with this new little being. But it was not easy. This entire process took my sister over 5 years. Five years of waiting and wondering if this will be the year that I get my daughter. I know that over these years we have all waivered a bit in our faith.
On February 5th all those years of waiting came to an end as we boarded the plane in Tampa to head to China. For us it wasn't a moment too soon or too late. As they handed her to my sister for the first time we realized that she was very sick. Underweight, tiny and with pneumonia she was so sick. We sure prayed for her life.
Never late--we prepared for just about every medical condition we could before we left. She had the appropriate antibiotics, breathing treatments, steroids, and lots of loving care. Today Catherine Renee is thriving simply because He is Never Late!